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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Equipment Rental Program:

1- Information Collection: We collect personal information from customers and users when they register for the program or provide information during the use of our services. This information may include names, contact information, payment details, and personal identification information.

2- Use of Information: We utilize personal information to facilitate equipment rental and provide related services. Additionally, we may use this information to communicate with customers regarding order statuses, offer promotions, and enhance the user experience.

3- Information Sharing: We maintain the confidentiality of personal information and do not sell or share it with third parties who are not contracted with us unless it is necessary to provide services, such as sharing shipping data with shipping companies.

4- Information Security: We implement technical and operational security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We are committed to updating these measures to align with technological advancements.

5- Cookies: We may use cookies to store information about user preferences and improve their experience on our website. Users can control cookie settings through their web browsers.

6- Access and Correction Rights: We offer customers and users access and correction rights for the personal information collected. Individuals can update or correct their information through the interface provided in the program.